2017 07 juliuson journal july august



Prayer Letter



Dear pastors, supporting churches, family and friends:

Charity Baptist VBS, Cornerstone Baptist VBS, Victory Baptist VBS and Charity Baptist Teen Connection, Junior Camp, Teen Camp. Thirty-nine visitors in groups of various siz-es spread over 7 weeks. Teaching, singing, preaching, praying, visiting. Cooking, clean-ing, shuttling people between home, churches, VBS venues, beaches and tourist sites. Meeting and greeting, grocery shopping, laundry, nursing, encouraging. It’s summer, and this is how we roll in Trinidad!

What we do, we do together, and it was wonderful serve God with people who were will-ing to work hard, get the job done and give the glory to God. Children, teens and families were reached, souls were saved and lives rededicated. Amen right there!

In the midst of all this activity, we have also been selling most of our belongings and preparing to vacate our rented house. As many of you know from our previous letters, we have not been able to get the work permit that would allow us to stay in Trinidad. As we have prayed and sought the Lord over the past several months, God made it clear that we are leaving. However, we are not leaving the mission field; God has also made it clear that we are moving to Zagreb, Croatia, to work with new missionaries to Croatia, Brad (our former pastor), Connie, and Lucas Lowrie.

We had a good ministry partnership when we worked closely with the Lowries at Calvary Baptist Church of Edmond (our home church) for over six years. We have made two trips to Croatia, one in 2011 and another in 2014 when we worked extensively in the capital city, Zagreb, where there is no independent Baptist church. We are grateful that the Lord has called us back to a place we love to serve with people we love. Amen!

As we leave Trinidad, we can’t help but reflect on how good God has been to us here. We have grown and learned under Pastor James Hoffmeister’s leadership, and we have had the blessing of working with and getting to know other missionary families here: Matt, Vickie and Mateo Bernsdorff, Brad and Felicia Barkowski, and John and Brenda Gossett. We treasure their friend-ships. It will be hard to leave the many won-derful people of Charity Baptist and Victory Baptist Churches; we have made lifelong friends whom we love and appreciate.

We also appreciate the continued support and involvement of our home church. Our pas-tor, David Story, has been a wise and valuable counsellor, and we appreciate his leader-ship into this new chapter of our lives and ministry. It has been a blessing to know our home folks have been holding us up in prayer.

Our plan is to spend about 3 1/2 months in America getting our paperwork and house-hold goods (still in storage!) ready for Croatia and reconnecting with our loved ones and church family. The tentative schedule is for us to arrive in Croatia during the second week of January 2018. Supporting pastors, if you have any questions or concerns re-garding our move, please feel free to contact me or Pastor David Story. We appreciate your prayers as we make this transition.

Prayer Requests

Ministries of Charity Baptist Church, Victory Baptist Church, and Corner-stone Baptist Church, Trinidad
Smooth transition to next field
Paperwork for Croatian visas
Health and safety
Effectiveness in ministry

God bless you as you continue to serve Him!
Because HE is WORTHY,

Ralph Juliuson
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Trinidad phone: 868-223-8627
Trinidad cell: 868-267-5506
PO Box 4482
Debe 680199
Trinidad and Tobago
West Indies
Humbled to be sent by
Calvary Baptist Church
Pastor David Story
24601 N. Western Avenue
Edmond, OK 73025

For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying,
I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles,
that thou shouldest be for salvation unto
the ends of the earth. Acts 13:47
